 Helle Emmertsen Roots of Exercise Physiology Alexander teknik - Medical Article, BMJ - German resumé - 12 minuters video relaXotic Grundübungen Press & Media (german) - Flensburger Tageblatt - Lebensart 1 - Lebensart 2 - Moin Moin - Wochenschau Doctor Statements (german)
Helle Emmertsen
Simple and easy to learn techniques are the basis for movement and relaxation.
The techniques/exercises I teach have their roots in the Russian Ballet.
Maruscha was a Ballet-dancer at the Bolshoi Ballet Theater at the beginning of the last century. Early on she learned how to deal with the pains resulting from overexertion, and she soon became known for helping her colleagues with her techniques.
She once wrote the following about feeling movement: "Imagine running over a footbridge on a warm summer day and jumping head first into the water. How would you describe that? How can one describe a feeling experienced with all senses? It is impossible to describe – one has to experience it.
During the Russian Revolution Maruscha had to flee her country and came to Denmark. She continued to teach her method and trained many people.
Bodil Müller continued teaching Maruschas exercise techniques and in 1971 established a School of Exercise Physiology. The school now offers a Bachelor Degree in that subject. Lone Kühlmann, a journalist and long-time client of Bodil Müller, published a biography about Bodil entitled "Jeg vil og jeg kan" (I want and I can).
Doctors specializing in illnesses associated with the mobility and/or immobility of the human body helped to develop the classes at the School of Exercise Physiology. Western relaxation techniques such as the Alexander Technique, Pilates, Feldenkrais, Dr. Schulze's Autogenes Training and Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation are important components of the class.
I became interested in gymnastics and body movement during the 60's while listening to Helle Gotved teaching gymnastics on radio. In her program called "Ha' det bedre" (Feel better) she tried to convey the understanding that exercising does not need to hurt in order to be effective. As a teenager I met Bodil Müller personally. Her personality and her profession fascinated me and I applied to the School for Exercise Physiology in Copenhagen and began my education with Bodil Müller in 1973.
I became an instructor at the school itself and had my own practice in Copenhagen. I am now continuing to teach my relaxation techniques in Glücksburg (Ostsee) as well as in Hamburg.
To me it is most important that each individual person experiences every movement mentally and therefore feels the work of the muscles consciously. My clients learn how to control the tension in their muscles and in doing so make the exercises most effective.
relaXotic offers an efficient and conscious training of the entire body with emphasis on coordination and balance. relaXotic supports the anatomy of the human body in a perfect way. We become increasingly more conscious of our movements and can react more readily to the signals the body sends us.
By controlling our muscles (through tension and relaxation) we become more energetic and enjoy life to its full potential.